Social Issues & Communications

Social Issues & Communications

Julio Mendívil: Musical Violence

Music doesn't only bring peace, it can also incite violence


Henry Walters: Lost in Translation

The power and perils of translation: can our thoughts and feelings can ever be rightly interpreted by another?

Social Issues & Communications

The People as King

Who cares about voting? Not U.S. citizens: only sixty-six out of a hundred voted in the last election.

Social Issues & Communications

Vive la Républic !

An attack against Former U.S. President Trump is an attack against the West.

Social Issues & Communications

Digital Depression

Digital depression expert Nassir Ghaemi joins Vienna Live to discuss the mental health pandemic that is wreaking havoc among teenagers


La Tapisserie de Bayeux (Deuxième Partie)

Siméon MORROW, un musicien américain se rend au Musée de la Tapisserie à Bayeux pour découvrir cette œuvre universelle, guidé par l'experte Fanny...


La Tapisserie de Bayeux (Première Partie)

Siméon MORROW, un musicien américain se rend au Musée de la Tapisserie à Bayeux pour découvrir cette œuvre universelle, guidé par l'experte Fanny...


Welcome to Normandy American Cemetery

Simeon brings us to the D-Day Beaches, where we spend time with some of the servicemen who gave their lives for the cause of freedom and proved that...

Classical Music

The MEP Women's Choir

Simeon takes us to a rehearsal of the MEP Women's Choir in Caen, Normandy. Inspiringly, the choir turns out to be lesson in civics.

Social Issues & Communications

Adult Sex: The Pleasure Gap

Heterosexual women and men are missing out on sexual pleasure (the Pleasure Gap) because of undue pressure from ingrained social roles and a blatant...


Omar Sosa: Music Starts with a Meal

In this inspiring video, jazz pianist Omar Sosa tells us how he chooses musicians. The most important information, he gets by sharing a meal with...

Social Issues & Communications

The Future Food Institute

Vienna Live welcomes Sara Roversi, President of the Future Food Institute for a discussion about why good food makes a good society.

Social Issues & Communications

Julio Mendívil: How to be an Antiracist Musician 

Ethnomusicologist Julio Mendívil, Chair of Ethnomusicology at University of Vienna is interviewed about how to fight systematic racism in academia.

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